Getting Involved
Volunteer: Be a Bio park warrior and involve yourself in various eco activities of biodiversity parks such as plantation, nature education etc. Students and other civilians are welcome to take part in various activities of biodiversity parks such as plantation, nature education etc. Participants may contact at our email ID [email protected] or through phone 9899055001.
Friends of Biodiversity: The Parks intend to organize special training programs for youth and especially interested groups of individuals to make them aware of the ideology behind their establishment. Such trained persons will be designated “Friends of Biodiversity” and they will be in a real sense ambassadors of the parks working within the community at large and will be given special status for free entry and access to research and development activities.
Plantation activity: The parks do massive plantation in the monsoonal months i.e. June-August. You can extend your support by involving in digging pits, transporting plants, plantation and maintaining these ecosystems.
Around 500 saplings were planted in Kamla Nehru Ridge by students of different colleges of Delhi University from16-25 Sep 2014.
Around 1 lakh saplings were planted in the mass plantation drive by Times of India and Hero group at Tilpath Valley on 30th August 2015.
Nature Education: The parks are emerging as a major center for enriching people's lives through environmental stewardship, education and awareness, especially for schools and colleges of Delhi and adjoining areas. Biodiversity Parks are serving as learning and orientation center not only for the students but also for the teachers, scientists and officers belonging to the administrative services.